News February 2021
Volunteer Recruitment
Read MoreAHO website feedback survey
AHO website is undergoing review and expansion. This will take place between January - December 2021. The purpose of the review is to make the content up to date and relevant. The purpose of the website expansion is to add new features that will make the website user friendly. You are welcome to take part in the review and expansion through suggestions.
Read MoreGraciano Masauso answers questions about the implications of some countries not vaccinating against COVID-19
Some countries, such as Tanzania and Madagascar, have issued statements saying they do not have plans to vaccinate their populations against Covid-19 using Western vaccines.
Read MoreGrants Manager and Assistants Volunteers – apply now
The Grants Manager Volunteer supports the CEO for developing and writing grant proposals to trusts, foundations and other grant-making organisations such as Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UKAID, USAID, EU grants, DFID tenders, etc, and persuasively communicates AHO's mission and programmes to potential funders.
Read MoreCOVID is spiking child marriage and domestic violence
Across Africa, women and girls face gender-based violence - including sexual violence, domestic violence, so-called honour violence, child marriage, trafficking and female genital mutilation – from a young age and on a daily, increasingly violent basis.
Read MoreDiabetes a major health challenge for the world
he rising prevalence of diabetes and other non-communicable diseases is driven by a combination of factors - rapid urbanisation, sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy diets, tobacco use, and increasing life expectancy.
Read MoreDiabetes and its effect on different parts of the body
Diabetes is a chronic illness and poses a huge risk to your health. It must be prevented as much as possible. Type 2 diabetes: How does high blood sugar affect different parts of your body?
Read MoreViolence Against Women must end now
A state or society can never be made crime-free just by enforcing the laws strictly. In addition to law enforcement, strict social discipline, practice of one's own culture, strengthening of family ties, development of moral education, etc. can control the crimes.
Read MoreEbola epidemic resurfaces in Guinea
Public health officials in Guinea declared a new epidemic of Ebola on Sunday after recording seven cases and three deaths — the first resurgence since the hemorrhagic fever devastated the West African nation and two neighbors from 2014 to 2016.
Read MoreHeart disease remains the number-one killer in the world
The leading cause of death in the world in 2019 was ischaemic heart disease, also known as coronary heart disease. It was responsible for 16% of total deaths and since 2000 has seen the largest increase in mortalities, killing 8.9 million people in 2019.
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